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Thinking About Moving To “The Cloud”?

Thinking about moving to “The Cloud”?

Files in the Cloud

Have you thought about moving your firm to “The Cloud”? There are many different types of clouds.  Let us help you decide what is best for you!

This is a new and evolving technology.  Of interest in our industry are two types of clouds.  One, is a “hosted office” environment and the other offers “cloud based applications”.

Hosted office:  You own everything on the hosted office server and can take it anywhere … to another cloud provider, back to your own “on-premise” server or to a standalone computer.

Cloud based applications:  You must continue to pay for every program.  If you stop paying, your data is not accessible.

Click here for an article providing a detailed description of both.

TSR Consulting Services, Inc. can help you with your choice. Contact us for complimentary assistance in the decision-making process.


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