New Year … New Rates: How to Update Rates in Timeslips
Happy New Year! Each year, I receive multiple calls from clients who want to increase their standard rates as of January 1. This year, I am going to try to be “one step ahead” by publishing this post explaining the process.
There are a couple of basics for raising rates:
- Preference for updating rates is selected
(From main menu: Setup … Preferences .. Navigation Rules tab) - You are billing based on “timekeeper rates”. That means that at the bottom of the client information “rates” tab, the default source is ‘Timekeeper” (your terminology might be different .. “attorney” or “user”)
- All time through the end of last year is entered
**Now you are ready to update rates**
- From the list of timekeepers, double-click on the first person’s name.
- Change the rates to the new values
- Save the timekeeper.
Timeslips will prompt to update rates with the wizard. Click “NEXT” - Place a checkmark in all of the new rates and click “NEXT”
- IMPORTANT: Enter the first date for new rates (01/01/14) under “Earliest Date” and click “NEXT”
- Click “FINISH” and rates will be updated for that timekeeper.
- Repeat the process for each timekeeper with new rates.
Now, enter slips … remember to test that the new rates appear and you’re good to go … Happy New Year!!!
For a hard copy of these instructions, click here.